Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Naughty girl

would you believe I've done something that will surely make my friend angry?
Heheheh. Well, i dont kmow what come on my mind to do that. I actually made
funny without her knowing that. What happened was, I was using my old sim card and
I dont know what came up to me to make her as my textmate. Actually at first, I was enjoying but later on, it's my conscience telling to stop right away. I was just so sorry to her that I made that bitchy thing to her. Well at least, I found out something that was good and not so good to her. She's my old friend. And she's just like me..


....rEd gUrl ! .... said...

parang?!....i know her....

Yarohpehpeh said...

"Its not bad to commit mistakes what is bad is to commit the same mistakes"


my muzik